Wednesday, 8 December 2010


Well, this year Chile are in his bicentenary and everybody wants to do something related with this national celebration. The government are preparing a big party for the people and with the people, the T.V channels are working in many ideas for shows related with the bicentenary and the merchants are melting many ideas to make a wonderful and rentable business utilizing this national celebration. In the other face of the coin, Chile shows many internal problems with his population, environmental and energetic issues, problems that need to be successfully solved nowadays in a developed country efforts.

Since 1810, Chile are a Nation in fact, and since 1810 the country had needed to solve many problems and fight with different situations like any other country. Chile is a young country, and his people have a lot of energy to rise his country from the sub developed country situation. Nowadays Chile has many services to his people, the people can go to the hospital with very low feeds, children have many schools to choice and the adults can rejoice with less age than 30 years ago.
With this celebration everybody wins, the merchants can made parties, the T.V exploit his shows trying to make some particular and news shows related with the bicentenary, and the government try to encourage the Chilean image in the business global world.
All of countries have his internal problems and some nations have really seriously problems with another nations, in Chile, we have more internal problems that international diplomatic problems. The Chilean government are trying to do something with the environmental issue, trying to make conscience in the people, teaching more about this topic and making new and better school teachers prepared to the new ecological world. The energetic issue is a really seriously topic nowadays, where the major problem and people fight is with the hydro electrical, and thermo electrical factories. People don’t want that the environment pay for our needs, and people want that the government make efforts to establish a good energetic politics in defense of the environment.
The Chilean gov. have another seriously problem and this is related with the mapuches local people. This people are claiming for his lands and the gov. can´t hand back all of lands that they want because the nation need lands to make national parks and to make money with this, the problem is the lack of equilibrium with this issue.

Chile has many potential advantages and good opportunities to rise from the sub developed world, Chile has a beautiful and productive landscapes and a hard work people. The need of the nation is try to get the equilibrium between richness, people satisfaction and a hearty environment. When this occur, Chile can say that we did it and we did it fine!, today we need to work a lot to get this goal. We can start talking to our kids about the importance of the national richness; the environment the landscapes, and the people.

Monday, 8 November 2010

GreeeeeN green..

Hi everyone, today we talk about environmental topics and another “green topics”, nowadays people want and wish have more time in to share in outdoor activitiesm, people are interesting with environmental and conservation issues and we can show them some places, internet sites, and publications where they can learn more about this, like, internet sites where you can find a lot of flora and vegetation information, a lot of beautiful pictures and more things related with taxonomi and distribution of chilean plants. Other web site where you can find information about different projects, conservation status of some particular place and a lot of more things in the ONG Chinchimen website These guys are working hard in fauna and flora conservation with a lot of voluntaries and love for earth.

Some places in Santiago city are very good equiped to transport you to everywhere by bike, not some places really, some neighbourhood in fact In Providencia for example you can rent a bike for few money and go toeverywhere that you want, its neighbourhood has a lot of bikeways with its respetivity signals and traffic lights. Here, in front of our campus we had a beautiful and long bikeway, a bikeway what today doesn’t exist because the government construct a busway and they forgot the poor people again, who doesn’t has money to pay a bus daily.

The past Sunday, walking Vitacura street I saw a beautiful and interesting architectonic idea. Green walls, the International hotel has its walls wrapping with beautiful and green grass, idea that a lot of new construction should lead.

Our city like a lot of cities around the world has many desabited roofs and whe can tap it constructing some greenhouse or a orchard as well, something that can reduce our carbon footprint. Try it!

Monday, 4 October 2010

Thirty three

Nowadays, when money is most important, the newspapaers only care about publishing news about the economic crysis, and about a big accident that has an economic cause, in which 33 miners are involved.
It´s horrible to think that money ansiety can take 33 people to end 700 mt under the floor.
Obviously the owner of the mine doesn´t know what it feels to be in those conditions, becouse he was worried only about checking money movements from his desk.
It´s a shame to see the famillies of the miners suffering, without knowing if their husbands/fathers/sons will come back home, while the responsable people only suffer becouse of their money loss.
Hopefully no more tragedies like this will be needed to finally take enough care about the conditions of dangerous jobs with high levels of risk like mining.
Chile is a miner and agricultural country, so this activities should be totally known and well practiced. It´s unacceptable that even though mining is the first economic income of the country, there aren´t still enough security standtards to this activity, and more people keeps dying, or having serious helth problems becouse of this.

Tuesday, 7 September 2010


So, Chile is a little but powerful country in South America you know, and now the country will celebrate its 200th birthday and everybody wants to do something with that. The TV channels for example wants to cover and record all things that have something to do with this particular date and in this way the TV channels want to make a lot of money with this national party. If you see the TV, you would understand what I say.
In the other side of the coin are the typical Chilean people, who wants to embrace this date to say some things to the government about them needs and problems, but nowadays the government don’t have much time to work in that
and thus we have a lot of little but important patches of people in different places claiming them rights.

We have a perfect example of that in our beautiful and awesome but forgotten Easter island called Rapa Nui, there, the Rapa’s have a big problem with the Gov. about land people excludes. They want the Gov. return them lands claiming that its are thieved by Gov. years ago.

Here in the continent, we can celebrate because we have the reason to do it, and it’s very nice week, but when the parties end we need take some time to think about the problems and
preoccupations in ALL of our country from the Southest to the Northest land.

Finally we must celebrate our Bicentenary with a lot of cultural parties and obviously with a big typical Chilean Fonda! Salu’!!

Tuesday, 31 August 2010


Hello it's me again, now I want to talk about a beautiful country called Australia, I never have been there but I know that it's so beautiful and awesome because I allways listened my sister's commentaries about her nice city. She lives there since 1998 and she always gives me good refferences about Australia.

I want to go there to soon as is possible, to work, study, travel and to live any different esxperience that its people can give me like surf or another things. I have ear that living there it's easy to travel to the south of Asia I could visit some guys there, maybe I could go to India first.

Australia has a lot of beautiful beaches, a big desert and a lot of wild animals that I really want to know, and maybe, I will buy a good photographic camera and I will take a lot of pictures to be uploaded to my facebook trip's pictures folder.

I want to go there to visit my sister, her son and her husband, they live in surfer's paradise really near to the beach in Goldcoast state. They have a lot of cangaroos around the house and they have a little organic farm in them backyard with tomatoes and some different vegetables.

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Salar de Llamara job

Hello, it's me again. Now I want to talk to you about my job and my researches.
I have a nice job, I think these about it because I can combine two differentand emotional topics of life; travel and science. I work on Atacama desert for one year and a half, my job has to do with trees, deserts, water relations and with the ecosystem.

I'm working in a hydrological relation between the Prosopis tamarugo trees and the depth to groundwater in Salar de Llamara. To do this job I need travel to Iquique all months, then when I arrive there I go by truck to the hart of the desert, to Salar de Llamara exactly and then I work sometimes for five days and sometimes for 3 days in that awesome but very hard place.
I say awesome because of the landscape is very beautiful and enormous furthermore I say that is very hard because of the temperatures at night can be -3ºC and 46ºC under the sun in the day. You don't have water anywhere, you need to take with you all water bottles that you can carry.

On desert we can see a lot of different animal and insects communities like Cumpeo foxes, Chilean lizard and some different kinds of birds.

Wednesday, 30 June 2010


I had a blogspot, there i used to put many different pictures about artistic paintings that i made with some friends in different places like Algarrobo beach near to Santiago over the yating club, in a Bariloche’s hostal, and in some towns in the north of Chile.

Nowadays I´ve changed my painting hobbie for other hobbies like sport-climbing and bodyboard, thus I´ve stoped taking care about my blogspot about paintings.

Today, thanks to the the English class and the English Blogspot I can write some things training my English. I have had to look for different words in the dictionary because sometimes I want to explain some things but I don’t have the key words, so people can´t understand me.

I have learned how to change the blogspot´s themes, put pictures and change other things like the colors and shadows as I want. My classmates have a blogspot too where I can find some posts that they have written, I can make comments about them in there, and I can send greetings to them as well.

In the English class we´ve studied a lot about grammar and communication, so the good thing abot doing this posts, is that we can and we must practice the vocabulary, communicating with other´s who have blogs or people that just want to see other´s blogs.

Blogs are usually deidcated to music, art, education, sports, or just to have fun.

The truth is I don´t understand why people creates blogs just to write, it´s kind of autistic to write just for oneself without other people seeing it, or maybe it´s the intention of many who have blogs, to write and to be read.

But my message is that instead of being so much time in front of the computer, people should go out to the streets or a park, and communicate verbally or by write but with real people of flesh and blood, becouse fun is outside.

Saturday, 26 June 2010

vichuquen's lake

Hooo...this picture relaxes me and maybe relaxes you as well. Here you can see vichuquen's lake, it's big houses and it's beautiful side. I took this picture the past long weekend or maybe some friend TOOK IT i can't remember who. we went to Vichuquen's lake with five more friends ,the weather was so great FIRST, it was raining but then the sun came out and you could see a lot of beautiful colors over the lake, plants and in the sky. We arriveD there on thursday at 11pm, we made a barbecue,drunk Some beers and piscolas until 3am. Then we went to bed with ours girls. On FRIDAY WE WOKE UP AT 12 TO SEE THE SOCCER MATCH CHILE AGAINST SPAIN , WE MADE ANOTHER BARBECUE, AND AFTER THAT WE WENT WALKING ROUND THE LAKE, WATCHING THE SUNSET, PLANTS AND COLOURS IN THE WATER . IT WAS AMAZING. THAT NIGHT WE MADE THE THIRD BARBECUE WATCHING THE MOON COMING OUT AND EATING SOME CHICKEN WINGS. LATER WE WENT TO THE WHARF AND WE SAW A BIG MONSTER SWIMMING IN THE LAKE. CAMILA RUN TO HIM AND WE LOST HER, SO WE RUN TO THE FLYING BASKET BALOON AND WENT LOOKING FOR HER, IN THAT MOMENT A SHOOTING STAR FELL IN THE MOUNTAINS AND THE MONSTER FLEW THERE, WE THOUGHT WE HAD LOST HER BUT WHEN WE GOT THERE WE SAW HER DANCING WITH THE MONSTER, WE WENT BACK TO THE HOUSE, TOOK THE BARBECUE AND RETURN TO THE MONSTER'S PARTY.

Tuesday, 8 June 2010


Well, many people thing about a lot of things at same time, because many people like us knows that have not long time to sense and think about different things, but in my way to think, that is the point, many people don’t want spend time thinking about some things doesn’t have relation with his work, because look’s it like a loose of time.

The problem is that our talents potential depend of our time to explore it and when we are child, our parents put us in a class room so early, maybe at time when we could explore and recognize our talents, and when we are adults we can fall in nonconformity fell with our day by day journeys.

Maybe the people who live in a farm or in a different place that not are a city or a big town takes time and enjoy to think in a lot of themselves things like love, wild life or they family. Just because they want to do it, and they have time to do it or just take it. And they love spend time talking with his sons and his family group, a practice that we lost in the big city.

Personalizing education like a familiar education is the way to the future, think about it; at home parents don’t teach the same particular manners to all of one in the family group, a family has different ways and forms to learn with love and patience, in the schools will could be the same for what in the future our children will can tread softly.

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

:: TrippinG ::

Two years ago, four guys did a long trip that made them love his country from the sea to the mountains. This guys were Vids, Zuru, Daniel and me.
We travelled by bus to Puerto Montt Harbor on January 13, where we got a ferry to Ancud in Chiloe big island. In Ancud we found an amazing place on the beach at the northern corner of the island, there we made fire and met some old friends that were travelling too. These meeting lasted for 1 week.

Then we walked to the south because this was our plan, go to the south far away. We walked and took some lifts around the island for 1 week to arrive to Cucao, which is like a hippie lakeside where you can find a lot of beautiful places and more than one party at night. We stayed there for 2 weeks at least, and later we went to a southern harbor in Quellon to take a ferry that traveled through the Chacao canal, until we arrived to Puerto Cisnes near Chaiten. If you have been there you can understand me when I talk about the Chaiten volcano, it’s powerful and it occupies a big part of the geography of the area. In that year it erupted, so we helped some people cleaning the town.

After this we started travelling again to Coihaique. There we met some friends that gave us a home and family love for around 1 week until we left to General Carrera Lake in the south of Cohiaique. The southest point of our trip was Caleta tortel from were we got back to Santiago after three amazing and long months of travelling.

Tuesday, 18 May 2010


Spirited Away is one of the most perfect movies I have ever seen. The least I can say about it is that there was not a single moment during it that my attention wasn't completely focused. The plot was fantastic and full-bodied. Each character was given so much personality, even the little soot spiders weren't treated as two-dimensional.

In a way the whole film felt like a dream, in that it is seamless. It flows, effortlessly, from scene to scene, from emotion to emotion - straight from terror and tragedy to comedy - without the subtle bump that wakes you up, that lets you know that the makers of the movie and the creator of the script had wanted you to be crying but now you really should be laughing. It was so LIFELIKE.

There was no part of the film that felt fake, or rushed, or shaky; the intensity of the story line and the determination of the lead character was obvious throughout.. I was sucked into the drama. I can rarely say that a movie made me laugh and cry without feeling like an idiot, but the caliber of this picture is so high that I don't even feel embarrassed.
I laughed. I cried. And you will too.

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Internet's world is a new era´s representant, just like the digital T.V sistems, and the artificial inteligence (A.I.). It's a powerful tool for work, business, study and leisure.

The W.W.W. (world wide web) has many different kinds of websites. I like Grooveshark`s websitebecouse you can search, find, share and listen to all styles of music that you want. For example I have many playlists that I can open with a click, and it shows me all the songs that I have in there.

In Grooveshark you can find lyrics and complete albums too. I have different types of music bands inside my account like Nirvana, Morcheeba and Cultura Profetica, music that I can hear anywhere that I go if I have an internet connection there off course.
If you want, you can change the website´s theme for any other different theme that you want tochoose, or you can load a theme that you have in your computer.

I love Grooveshark´s website, because I can make a playlist for a party and I don't need tocarry and take care of my i-Pod, because the only things that I need are a computer, internet, good speakers and someone like Camii to dance all night lonG!

Monday, 10 May 2010


Earthquakes: long time ago the earth tried to make a big familly, in the beginning of times, when animals could live in balance with different types of life.
But now the family grew up to the top, doing some things in the wrong-way, specially the human race, the society of human race; taking more than what we can carry, burning more than what wecan feel, killing more than what we need.
In consequence the earth, like a big mom said stop! because we were abusive and breezy with her love and energy, and now the “paccha mama” just moves her back to reproach us for our mistakes. It’s natural, it’s a step of life.

Tuesday, 4 May 2010


Animals, are the most wonderful creation of god. There are many different kinds, friendly, wild, small, big, and all of them are spectacular and amazing. Now, we are capturing, torturing, and killing them, forgeting that we are animals too, animals that can stand on two feet, and supposedly can think about their actions and it´s consequent reactions in the natural world.
But things are not going well, aparently we have problems living with animals in the same world, we don’t want to share “our” world, which is a stupid and enormous mistake, because we need them and we need to try to live with them instead of living from them, having in mind that our planet needs a balance between the animal and vegetable world. We need to reduce the enormous carbon emissions that acelerate the global warming, and stop the stupid wildlife´s kills. Think like an animal, not like a human when you are in front of this wildlife´s world, because through the society window we can´t hear the pain of the natural world, feel it´s effort to stand on earth, to be able to stay here with us.

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

catholic CrisiS

The answer is simple, yes!, the catholic church is in crisis, a crisis that started long time ago, since the new era, the contemporaneous era begun.
In the old times, catholisism did a lot of inhuman heartless mistakes, judging and torturing it´s followers, excusing itself with stupid and invalid arguments, causing continious rebelion acts from it´s believers against the religion and the church.
Nowadays, the church and the catholic religión as well, has a lot of problems with it´s bunch of followers, with it´s credibility and with it´s "blessed image". People asks themselves wether if there are necesary enormous churchs, lots of precious stones, diamonds, and gold in the constructions, when starving people could be provided with this abundant richness.
Furthermore, now the catholisism is loathfully vinculated with child rape acts, in fact if you read the paper or see the news, you will hear unlimited number of denunciations about this.
I think that the catholic church needs to change it´s image and gain people´s trust, building more orphanages, drug rehabilitation centers, family centers, children programs (without degenerates obviously), etc., admiting it´s mistakes and starting thinking about peace instead of richness. If not, the catholic church coul´d fade out from earth.

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

post 3 ..::THE MUSIC AND THE SOUL::..

The human body, a wonderful and amazing mechanism where simplicity of things and the most effective and organized information and actions nets are combined, this action is nourished with rests too, which can be very pleasing when they are stimulated for more than one sense, and when more than body itself rest, it's the senses and the sensations. A good relaxation is one that allow a powerful disconnection to the refresh of the energy. A good rest can be get through a fine combination between sounds, a sweet harmony that can go inside the ear, flowing through the blood, nourished the brain, and dilate the veins to the top, relaxing the edge to flute, and sense the music in the soul.

When a trombone clean the air,

a flute can break the wing,

a bass rumble the heart, and like a big harp, the fibres of body are thrill and relax the harmony like a river feed the awesome roots of a old tree.

Is peace, quiet, light, is bless energy, IS MUSIC.